Modern treatments for obesity do not work for the common man. The exercises prescribed by the internet gurus are all artificial straining inflicted on the human body, which again is not in tune with nature.
Literally translated, this means 'Rotis cooked on an upturned Griddle'. Made the same way as normal Rotis, these are about double the normal thickness and placed on a hot griddle after wetting both sides of the uncooked Roti with water. This makes it stick to the griddle that in turn produces the desires effect when the griddle is upturned and the roti exposed to a naked flame. These Rotis are normally eaten with non-vegetarian dishes, but that's mostly a matter of individual preference.
Almost every one of these promoters claims that he alone is the myth buster in the matters of abdominal fat, obesity, and nutrition. They entice the gullible obese and over weight people to purchase their e books and equipments.
One of the near essentials, Ghee is used all over the Indian continent. Basically a clarified butter, Ghee has one of the highest smoke points of any oil and is wonderful used for frying because link it does not go rancid easily. Once made, ghee can last months if stored in a tightly sealed container, away from heat and light. It can be stored in the refrigerator, but will need to come to room temperature before use.

For starters instead of choosing somasos or pakoras which are all deep fried. Go for things like roasted papodums. Also ask at the restaurant what other healthier options they have, as a lot restaurants are now serving baked alternatives to fried ones.
While the rabbit is baking, add the ghee to a large pan or wok. Melt the ghee over high heat and then throw in the onion and chillies along with the hot chilli powder.